
Our work is primarily with parents where children are living in homes and there is domestic violence because they are not just witnesses; they are victims of the violence in their parents’ relationships, as recognised in the Domestic Abuse Act 2021. Domestic violence in families causes trauma and long-term harm repeated intergenerationally.

Abusers may share commonalities, but they are not a homogenous group due to the diversity of harmful behaviours defined as domestic abuse and violence. First and foremost, our programmes are child-centred and aim to change behaviours to protect children from harm.

Our programmes are grounded in evidence-base practice, with quality material delivered by facilitators who have worked or are still working with children and families in a child protection, safeguarding setting.

All our programmes utilise real case studies from our practice and Serious Case Reviews (SCRs).

All our programmes are designed to deliver the following outcomes:

  • keep children safe from trauma, harm and damage to their future life chances.
  • reduce domestic abuse occurrences and safeguarding referrals to Children’s Services
  • reduce repeated domestic abuse occurrences that lead to the “revolving door syndrome” of re-referrals to Children’s Services
  • reduce the significant number of child deaths due to domestic abuse incidents
  • reduce the prevalence of domestic abuse in homes and society
  • provide sustainable, practical service for families experiencing domestic abuse