Services and Support for Individuals

Family Court Support

Since 2019, we have noticed a significant increase in male victims of domestic abuse, especially fathers contacting us for support. The cases are usually the same, the mother has been designated the primary care for the children, and the dad is in the family court battling to see his children. We carefully access individual cases and offer support with the following:

  • Child Arrangement Order (CAO) applications
  • Court Position Statements
  • Domestic Abuse Impact report

Surviving Abuse and Feeling Empowered (For Parents)

This is an Online individually tailored 6-week Trauma-Informed programme. Domestic abuse is multifaceted, and many women will have hidden symptoms of Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD). Failure to recognise the cognitive impact of psychological distress associated with long term Gaslighting is a barrier to any sustainable change.

Some victims leave abusers; however, others may never realise their partner is controlling, and their lack of boundaries and self-awareness puts both them and their children at risk.

To safeguard children and finally break the cycle of domestic abuse, we have designed a programme that responds to victim’s realities by providing meaningful knowledge and skills absent in many domestic abuse interventions.

Programme Overview:

Session 1: How did I get here?

This session explores the different types of abusers and identifies the coercively controlling techniques used to isolate partners from family and friends. We look at the early warning signs of abuse that were missed and help survivors understand why they stay in toxic relationships.

Session 2: Patterns of Abuse

This session will educate victims to recognise the tactics their abusers use to keep them trapped in the relationship. Victims will gain insight into behaviours are designed to increase the dependency between them and the abuser and how to respond in the situation.

Session 3: Gaslighting and Isolation

During this session, victims who struggle to break free learn about intentional psychological abuse known as gaslighting and the reasons they become trauma bonded to the abuser. We will explore why victims fail to acknowledge they are being manipulated and learn about the long-term damage caused by this debilitating behaviour.

Session 4: Setting Boundaries

During this session, we encourage victims to set their boundaries, having spent all of their time walking on eggshells trying to please the abuser. It explores the long-term psychological impact of being in an unhealthy relationship on the abused mental health. Participants in the session will learn the signs to avoid being hooked into a new relationship and how to keep themselves safe from ex-partners.

Session 5: Safety Planning

This session allows victims to safely explore the advantages of leaving an abuser however, we know that not all victims will be able to end a toxic relationship. Therefore, the session will discuss de-escalation strategies required for co-parenting with an abuser and offer strategies to keep their children safe. It will explore the long-term impact of domestic abuse and the links to mental health to prevent relapses and identify and avoid potential triggers. Additionally, it will explore safety planning and responding to risks of imminent harm.

Session 6: Be Kind to Yourself

This final session focuses on self-care and building resilience. Participants will be encouraged to apply grounding and self–soothing skills and techniques to implement firm boundaries. We will educate them about the different stages of recovery and show them that there is life beyond Coercive Control but let them know there may be setbacks on the way. Giving strategies to deal with those setbacks will enable them to continue on their journey of recovery and prioritise the needs of their children.

Domestic Abuse Risk Screening

Take the guesswork out of the equation and get an assessment to answer your questions and niggling suspicions. We know that it is not easy for individuals to recognise they are in a psychologically or emotionally abusive relationship, so take second-guessing out of the equation and let us help you. Our confidential, friendly and accurate screening service screens for all forms of domestic abuse. Knowing what is going on in your relationship can save a lot of heartaches and help you make safe choices, especially where children are involved.
We provide you with a personalised interpretive report that objectively identifies or excludes abusive behaviours, which you can use to help safeguard yourself and your children.

Why not take advantage of our 15-minute complimentary call to discuss your situation and see how we can help? Simply phone, email or use our contact page.